My name is LJ, I am 29 years old, and I was born with a rare skin condition called Epidermolysis Bullosa, or EB for short. It hinders many things in my life and has created alot of obstacles, leaving me with disfigured hands and fingers, as well as feet and toes. I can also get hurt very easily from any type of friction.
However, that never stopped me from doing the things I have always loved most in life. One big thing being music. I have always lived for music. I have played the Piano/Keyboards since I was about 5 years old, taught myself because of my issues with my hands. Today, I have 1 solo album released so far and 2 band albums released. I am planning to work more on that and add updates to this page and my music page.
The other thing I have always loved is video games. They have helped me through alot of hard times and always kept me busy in times of boredom. I am planning to live stream and record game plays from my Youtube Channel: EBLifeofLJ, and add it here as well for viewing. I will also be taking suggestions on which games I should play and record, as well as be able to chat over my mic with viewers during my live streams.
Thank you for showing interest and stick around for frequent updates!
Follow me on
Twitter: @EBLifeofLJ
Twitch: EBLifeofLJ
Youtube: EBLifeofLJ